


Many years of research have gone into refining the uniform worn by the Regiment in North America. Since no cloth part of the uniform is known to exist, patterns have been developed based on portraits, accounts and existing clothing from other Regiments. The Regiment was raised and shipped to North America within a few weeks, so simplicity and availability were key factors. Uniformity, as we know it today, was also not strictly enforced. There was a great deal of individuality, especially with the Officers.

{mosimage}The tartan worn by the Regiment has been an object of discussion throughout the years of research. Many believe that the Government Tartan (known as the Black Watch) would have been the only tartan available in large enough quantities and that it would have been the only officially endorsed pattern. Our decision to go with a simple red and green Inverness district type tartan was based on portraits and accounts, and having found a piece of this tartan in the possession of a descendent of the Regiment.

The squad uses reproduction period rope tension drums, some made by the same supplier as two hundred years ago, Henry Potters and Sons, London. With calfskin heads and the newly added snares on the bottoms, the sound is loud and deep compared to modern drums.

Photos of 78th Frasers