
Passing of Milady Sheila Horan Robson

Sheila 3It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of one of the pillars of the reconstituted 78th Fraser Highlanders, Milady Sheila Horan Robson, last Saturday night in Lancaster, Ontario at 85 years old.

Sheila worked with Colonel J.Ross Oborne and joined the 78th in the late 1970’s and was one of the initiators of the Garrison and Outpost concepts . She became the assistant to Colonel Harper and worked in the Macdonald Stewart Foundation organization and the Fort St.Helen Garrison for many years until she retired. She will always be remembered for her helpful and efficient disposition -  organizing many functions, keeping people informed of happenings and always being impeccably dressed. She had a special affinity for the young men of the squad and never refrained from having a good party with them.

In recent years she grew older by herself, after husband John died, and developed memory and physical problems. The week before her passing she fell, broke her hip, was operated on but decided herself that “enough was enough” and died peacefully.

Sheila will be sorely missed by all who knew her but she has left many endearing memories. There will be a memorial service in the future when the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Photos of 78th Frasers